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Hud-Son Forest Equipment Uniforest 35M Forestry PTO Skidding Winch on a John Deere Compact Tractor

Hud-Son Forest Equipment Uniforest 35M Forestry PTO Skidding Winch on a John Deere Compact Tractor

Hud-Son Forest Equipment Uniforest 35M Forestry PTO skidding winch on a John Deere compact tractor

Hardy Brothers Outdoor-I purchased my Hud-Son Forest Equipment Uniforest 35M forestry PTO skidding winch from Tom, Judy, and Mark at Brownwood Sales and Forestry Equipment in Columbus, Ohio. Their service and support has been fantastic. Hud-Son Forest Equipment imports these winches from Slovenia.

The Hud-Son Forest Equipment Uniforest 35M(M=manual control vs remote control) forestry skidding winches uses the tractors PTO and has 7700 lbs of pulling power, works on tractors with 16-45HP like my John Deere 2032R, has 230 feet of 3/8 cable, weighs 540 pounds.

Hey, welcome back! Josh Hardy here with Hardy Brothers Outdoors.

We received our Hud-Son Forest Equipment Uniforest 35M skidding winch yesterday. The first I did when I received my Uniforest 35M was training my cable. I did that by pulling the cable all the way out to the spray painted end marker on the cable and pulled the cable back in under pressure(tension).

So we did that by pulling Jason’s tractor across the field. We got out/pulled down a snag. It did a great job!!!

I think there’s a lot to learn here. A lot of safety to focus on. Learning all the danger areas and making sure to stay out of those but also just understanding what my tractor can handle from a weight perspective.

So today we’re going to go out. We had trees that we dropped back in the 80s as a feathering project around the edge of the field part of our habitat management practice.

We’ve got some really nice oak logs on those that we’re going to go out and pull those pieces from inside the woods. Take them down to the place where I believe we’re going to park the sawmill.

Let’s get to it. Jason’s going to use this new chainsaw and we’re gonna cut these things up. Get them out of here and be ready to go next Friday.

There you go!